Allan Laal

Results 124 comments of Allan Laal

code: ```js // ==UserScript== // @name Youtube shorts redirect // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description Youtuebe shorts > watch redirect // @author Fuim // @match *://** // @icon...

optional: Remove all videos that are >X% watched (currently Youtubes own Watch Later ´remove watched´ button removes videos even watched for 0.00001 seconds)

shitty connection is a real use case when mobile and one needs to see the details in HD I use mpv player for this, but its a whole thing and...

> It seems fairly simple, disabling dash playback, this Firefox extension only sets the `about:config` variable `media.mediasource.enabled` to true/false - neither of them have any effect today on firefox...

> I know there's a similar feature available on "[Magic Actions for YouTube™](". no longer has this feature

@victor-savinov I use mpv, which uses yt-dlp or youtube-dl and ffmpeg to play videos (configured to buffer the whole video )- but I have to open up the same...

@GKid94 please add these as different feature requests (and/or vote thumbs up on already existing issues you want) :rocket: its easier for devs to implement stuff case-by-case basis AND your...

Chrome version: Firefox version:

also ADD fullscreen player caption/comment search button ( not implemented in: )

vote on: caption search button could be added in fullscreen player controls ´CC´ menu