Allan Laal

Results 124 comments of Allan Laal

critical for people needing accurate colors during work

use case: mapping these actions to custom mouse buttons & mouse combos

backend solved by his database is the biggest and he has an API available: the code is GPL 3 licensed, so we can just copy the frontend:

dislikes bar solved by: MIT license, so also free to use

in my experience with listening to 2000h+ of podcasts per year: skipping silence becomes a non-issue and even annoying when you have the proper playback speed set (for me 2.3..3.0x,...

I vote for having multiple datetime formats we, Europeans/ISOans prefer ´YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS´

what about inferring the upload hour:minute from the first comment? :D I personally would be satisfied by just having ISO dates and having the hh:mm acuraccy for just uploaded stuff...

use case: mapping these actions to custom mouse buttons & mouse combos

use case: setting a custom forward & backward seek interval (thats different). I do this in mpv sometimes I need to skip back 1sec to see the few frames I...

after implementation, will benefit from