Allan Laal

Results 124 comments of Allan Laal

performance is a good point, its better if this is fixed upstream

composer projects have php versions in their composer.json files, so phpenv could use the oldest/newest/available PHP version from the range set there example composer.json paths for php: { "require": {...

yeah, an automatic phpenv install would be nice on the first run phpenv should choose an available php version to use as a `phpenv local` value

this feature should also include autopublishing new stable releases to Flathub, so ppl would have autoupdates can you do it for 4 billion €? :dagger: :laughing:

## use case: I read alot. like alot! I use LazyLibrarian to constantly search for and download ebooks/abooks from my Goodreads' "To Read" list with Jackett from a massive list...

Lets STOP using stale bots!:

@arvidn could you reopen this issue - its kind of an important feature imho :D