Allan Laal

Results 124 comments of Allan Laal

unstale! @arvidn kill all stale bots! ;) we still care about this feature, but things of this complexity take time in OpenSource

@davidhq @cybernet please check if fixed it :)

fixed by

please change the title into sth less generic :) possibly linked to #10872

please reopen this :) (and delete stalebot - it just spams and makes us spam issues with non-content)

VOTE: Thumbs Up: the **Pencil + Twitter** sharing menu can be sacrified (if needed) Thumbs Down: I wanna use Mediums share feature, I NEEEEED it

its not possible to take a screenshot of the Color Temperature dropdown, but all fields there are shortened to the point of not understanding what they are

changing font in qt config has no effect on how the text is truncated in Color dropdown