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Database for AI. Store Vectors, Images, Texts, Videos, etc. Use with LLMs/LangChain. Store, query, version, & visualize any AI data. Stream data in real-time to PyTorch/TensorFlow. https://activeloop....

Results 121 deeplake issues
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Thanks for your remarkable contribution! Is there any API for `sampler` in pytorch when getting the dataloader? e.g.


Hi, I am trying to find an optimum way dealing with imbalanced data. One way I can think of would be using the pipeline to do some up-sampling and down-sampling,...

## 🐛🐛 Bug Report I was trying to increase the performance of the dataloader by giving it more cache both in memory and disk, and somehow it backfired, as I...


## 🐛🐛 Bug Report ### ⚗️ Current Behavior When trying to load the `ImageNet` dataset from hub, the exception `NotLoggedInError` is raised even if a valid API token is given...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - Related to #1609 (closed) ### Is your feature request related to a problem? When `hub.copy` throws an exception the transfer is terminated. Rerunning prompts to...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [ ] Related to an existing [Issue](../issues) - [x ] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### Is your feature request related to a problem? I...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [x] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### Is your feature request related to a problem? Currently, if a user tries to access an index that...

## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [ ] Related to an existing [Issue](../issues) - [x] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### If your feature will improve `HUB` Create notebooks with training...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [ ] Related to an existing [Issue](../issues) - [x] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### If your feature will improve `HUB` Support Redis as a...


## Describe the task Create conda distribution for hub and automate the builds. ### Notes * Our team will create the account and provide necessary credentials. * "hub" name on...