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Database for AI. Store Vectors, Images, Texts, Videos, etc. Use with LLMs/LangChain. Store, query, version, & visualize any AI data. Stream data in real-time to PyTorch/TensorFlow. https://activeloop....

Results 121 deeplake issues
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## 🚀 🚀 Pull Request ### Impact - [X] Test fixes ### Description Builds are failing due to timeouts. Fixing that from happening

## 🚀 🚀 Pull Request ### Impact - [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes expected existing functionality) - [ ] Enhancement/New feature (adds functionality without impacting existing logic)...

### Description Here is my use case: I have 4 gpu nodes for training (including compute tensors) on aws. I want to save pre-computed tensors to deeplake (Dataset/database/vectorstore), aiming to...


### Severity P0 - Critical breaking issue or missing functionality ### Current Behavior hello , I am trying to deploy an app on google function and i have dependency issue...


### Severity None ### Current Behavior I have a deeplake vector database with code chunks of a project. According to an issue I want to find the corresponding code chunks....


## 🚀 🚀 Pull Request ### Impact - [X] Test changes ### Description Re-enabing tests that were skipped due to them causing lockups. Seeing if code fixes have resolved the...

### Description If possible do not even create this directory in home folder, use xdg base directory and fallback to ~/.config/. Maybe `.config/deeplake/activeloop/`. I haven't even logged into deeplake account,...


## 🐛🐛 Bug Report ### ⚗️ Current Behavior I tried using ImageNet-1k directly from Active Loop. After validating on PyTorch's pre-trained ResNet-18, I get 82% validation accuracy, which is way...


### Description Currently, versions are made upon data ingestion with the following code: It seems like every time the commit is made, the full dataset of current state is...


## 🚀 🚀 Pull Request ### Impact - [X] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes expected existing functionality) - [ ] Enhancement/New feature (adds functionality without impacting existing logic) -...