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Database for AI. Store Vectors, Images, Texts, Videos, etc. Use with LLMs/LangChain. Store, query, version, & visualize any AI data. Stream data in real-time to PyTorch/TensorFlow. https://activeloop....

Results 121 deeplake issues
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## 🐛🐛 Bug Report ### ⚗️ Current Behavior ```python image ="") print(np.array(image)) # >> fails with file not found error ``` **Expected behavior/code** The remote image should be downloaded...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [ ] Related to an existing [Issue](../issues) - [ ] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### Is your feature request related to a problem? Extend...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [ ] Related to an existing [Issue](../issues) - [x] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### If your feature will improve `HUB` Add functionality for...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request Create a notebook demonstrating uploading a text dataset such as Squad. Raw text tensors can be accompanied by token index tensors which can be used for...


Hi Authors, Can I use an 'remove' api to remove one or multiple samples from dataset, just like the 'append' api ? The input of 'remove' api maybe is the...


I am wondering what `htype` to use for a tensor containing only numbers. In the tutorial [Creating Time-Series Datasets](, the tensors containing only numbers are not given any `htype` which...

Hi, I created a hub dataset from my original dataset with pictures. I need to get the name of the original file (cat.jpg, dog.jpg etc.). Is it stored somewhere in...

## 🐛🐛 Bug Report ### ⚗️ Current Behavior A user followed the instructions here for installation **Input Code** ```python >>> pip3 install Hub Create file: import hub dataset_path...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request ### If your feature will improve `HUB` This feature is intended to verify datasets converted to Hub. It looks at all the data and checks if...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [x] Related to an existing ### Is your feature request related to a problem? Add integration to [aistore]( as a storage provider. Boto3 can...
