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Database for AI. Store Vectors, Images, Texts, Videos, etc. Use with LLMs/LangChain. Store, query, version, & visualize any AI data. Stream data in real-time to PyTorch/TensorFlow. https://activeloop....

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EDIT: the flask install part is the minor part of the bug, major part in next comment) fresh pip install hub, tried to play from a video sample (cool API...


## 🐛🐛 Bug Report created a video tensor (mp4), added 35 samples, tried to use the `ds.pytorch` function, got this error: ![image]( ### ⚙️ Environment ubuntu 20.04, python=3.7.13, **jupyter notebook**


## 🚀 🚀 Pull Request ### Checklist: - [ ] [My code follows the style guidelines of this project]( and the [Contributing document]( - [ ] I have commented my...

## 🚀 🚀 Pull Request ### Checklist: - [ ] [My code follows the style guidelines of this project]( and the [Contributing document]( - [ ] I have commented my...

Hi all! I have all my data stored in an S3 bucket and I would like to use Hub to load my data from S3, yet my data on the...

## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [ ] Related to an existing [Issue](../issues) - [ ] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### Is your feature request related to a problem? [Hub...


## 🐛🐛 Bug Report ### ⚗️ Current Behavior When I set num_workers > 0 with pytorch there is a pause of ~90sec in the beginning of each epoch before the...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) Is it possible to discard samples in case they are already present in the dataset? If not, would this be...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [x] Related to an existing [Issue]( - [ ] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### If your feature will improve `HUB` Upload IAM Words Dataset...

good first issue

## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [ ] A new implementation ### Is your feature request related to a problem? Instead of accessing elements in a dataset by index, sometimes users...
