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Database for AI. Store Vectors, Images, Texts, Videos, etc. Use with LLMs/LangChain. Store, query, version, & visualize any AI data. Stream data in real-time to PyTorch/TensorFlow. https://activeloop....

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when developing hub we explicitly decided not to use [fsspec]( because we deemed it was too slow. so we went with [our own storage providers interface]( this is great, but...


## 🐛🐛 Bug Report ### ⚗️ Current Behavior Cannot create an OBJECT array from memory buffer. Dataset has been created using numpy objects and a tensor dtype is **Input Code**...


I would like to iterate over the keys of the info


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request Related to #1156 (this issue is a building block to it) ## Description build the implementation of the API: ```python ds = ... # create dataset...


If it is possible,how to code?


difficulty: advanced/creative oh no datasets are corrupted! your mission, should you choose to accept, is to save them! lol but fr we need a way to, if the user's tensor_meta.json/dataset_meta.json...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [ ] Related to an existing [Issue](../issues) - [x] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### If your feature will improve `HUB` Currently, only Datasets can...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [ ] Related to an existing [Issue](../issues) - [x] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### Is your feature request related to a problem? In large...


## 🚨🚨 Feature Request - [ ] Related to an existing [Issue](../issues) - [x] A new implementation (Improvement, Extension) ### If your feature will improve `HUB` Enable support for direct...
