Xe Iaso

Results 78 issues of Xe Iaso

Generate an ePub with pandoc. Do not charge anything for access to this, make it free to download and share without restrictions. - [ ] Cover image - [ ]...

- Distractions happen, link to [Ebbs and Flows](https://write.as/excerpts/ebbs-and-flows) - Don't let distractions discourage you - It may help to remove numbers from your exercises - Make distractions be reminders of...

>> FF - Today at 12:46 PM > It should perhaps be pointed out that the breath counter is synchronised, while the breath rate is intended to be personal. >...

At a high level, olin is effectively a kernel for WebAssembly programs. Why not get [BusyBox](https://busybox.net) working in it? We could then have a linux kernel boot to an olin...


A thought: `abi.File` should be expanded to contain the idea of a "sub-descriptor", "control descriptor" or another such term. This "sub-descriptor" would fulfill the place of `ioctl`, `accept`, `stat` and...


- [ ] Timeouts/Callbacks https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js#L263 https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js#L282 - [ ] HTTP transport - [ ] global.fs -> glue to abi.File? - [ ] writeSync https://github.com/golang/go/blob/0fe1986a72ea578390d4909988a1d7cb3a687544/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js#L37 - [x] write https://github.com/golang/go/blob/0fe1986a72ea578390d4909988a1d7cb3a687544/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js#L46 - [x]...

- [ ] Purchase domain (`olin.io`?) - [ ] Autogenerate from documentation for Rust, Go and other documentation - [ ] Upload to Github Pages - [ ] Live demo?


https://github.com/softprops/hyperlocal shows how to create a HTTP transport with Hyper. Adapt this for Olin's HTTP client. The Olin HTTP client is not very well documented (please do this as part...

help wanted
good first issue

```ruby class SerializablePost < JSONAPI::Serializable::Resource type 'posts' attributes :title, :body attribute :date do @object.created_at end belongs_to :author has_many :comments do data do @object.published_comments end link :related do @url_helpers.user_posts_url(@object.id) end meta...