Xe Iaso

Results 78 issues of Xe Iaso

I am working on something involving this database driver that makes use of the sql.Null\* types. When making queries that have a mix of NULL and non-NULL values in a...

We need a hero. OlegDB is that hero. I propose we have a new OlegDB Query Language (OTERCAL for obvious reasons which are an exercise best left to the reader)...

In the beginning there was chaos. Database servers were overbloated, overcomplicated, and fully did a great job of abstracting away the /actual data/ that developers want to see into tables,...

This IRCd is abandoned: https://christine.website/blog/deprecation-notice-elemental-ircd-2019-02-11


- [x] use bb8 correctly - [x] tailscale localapi whois - [x] posting - [x] deleting - [x] pagination - [x] HTML - [x] JSONFeed - [x] Fix base.sql comments...

It would be interesting to provide [context](https://godoc.org/context)-awareness to the `exec.VM` type. This would check the context Done every so often during execution, and if it is done then a new...

I have a bot that monitors a subreddit for new posts and posts them to Discord. The source code is [here](https://tulpa.dev/cadey/snoo2nebby/src/branch/main/main.go). I am getting a confusing segfault when I try...