Xe Iaso

Results 78 issues of Xe Iaso

Implement micropub

Blocked on #1 - [ ] https://indieweb.org/authorization-endpoint - [ ] https://indieweb.org/token-endpoint - [ ] set up an https://indieweb.org/h-card on the base template on auth: - [ ] if the domain...

- [x] define services in nrpc with protobuf package `lokahiadmin` - [ ] implement in package `internal/lokahiadminserver` - [ ] tests - [ ] add nats to travis - [...

Probably best implemented by a boolean flag in Checks. - [ ] flag added to database migrations - [ ] dao changes for this flag - [ ] webhookworker respecting...

help wanted
good first issue

Maybe implement this by allowing users to specify what to check using a URL.

In other words, be able to mark service `b` as dependent on service `a`. When service `a` is down, `b` will then also be assumed to be down (without announcing...


- [ ] User management API - [ ] User columns added to postgres - [ ] User types added to internal/database - [ ] postgres migrations created - [...

help wanted

EX: ```console $ ./bin/lokahictl list 0|19:19:35 { "results": [ { "check": { "id": "1cadb2c2-0d38-11e8-9a68-dfd782858897", "url": "http://duke:9001", "webhook_url": "http://discordhook:9001/twirp/github.xe.lokahi.Webhook/Handle", "every": 60, "state": 1 } }, { "check": { "id": "a5c7179a-0d3a-11e8-b53d-8faa88cfa70c", "url":...

help wanted
good first issue