Xe Iaso

Results 78 issues of Xe Iaso

The linter rejected christine.website but allowed its alias christine.apps.xeserv.us.

I would like to use Emerald from [Jester](https://github.com/dom96/jester) but I can't seem to figure out how. How would I use this in Jester?

Do some build tag magic.

I've wanted to explore nars from CI recently. Being able to do this from the cachix CLI would make my life a lot easier. Thanks!


```nim import asyncdispatch, jester settings: port = Port(9001) router api: before: try: discard request.cookies["auth_token"] except: halt Http403, "permission denied" routes: extend api, "/api" get "/": resp Http200, "hahaha it's is...

This code doesn't work: ```nim import asyncdispatch, jester router api: get "/": resp Http200, "hi" settings: port = Port(9001) routes: extend api, "/api" ``` but this code does: ```nim import...

Hey all, In Go logging is not simple. Every team and project ends up having their own idea and theory on what logs are and the purpose they serve. I...


Hi, I want to use this to generate character sprites for a video game idea. Is there a way to make primitive work with a fully transparent background? Thanks,