Xe Iaso

Results 78 issues of Xe Iaso

I was wondering how I would best run multiple client connections from one lua program. Thanks!

Would be useful to use SASL, account-notify and the like

feature request

See CHANGELOG patches for all of the details. Closes #15

I am trying to evaluate Athens for a project, I noticed that there is a [validation hook]( https://github.com/gomods/athens/blob/master/config.dev.toml#L84) in the default configuration but there is no details on what this...


I'd like to have a variant of the JSON grammar that forbids newlines from the output. Sometimes when you activate JSON grammar, the model will spit out an endless series...

feature request

Hey, I've been messing around with a tool using this package and I'm running into a little issue: Using the TorrentAdd call is resulting in a torrent that hasn't started...

This has caused problems with vim and other tools I use. Is there a way to have it not mark files as non-writable?

``` ~ --> ssh [email protected] Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). ~ --> ```