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UFOMap: An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework That Embraces the Unknown

Results 8 ufomap issues
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Hello @danielduberg, is there an easy way to do an inversion of geometry bounding volume? I want to create a bounding volume with the entire map but without a box...

I have been trying the following sample test code, however, it appears that there is some error in the nearest neighbor search implementation. #include #include using namespace std; int main(int...

Is the map using directly on path planning open source algorithms?? like A* on occupancy map or D* on octomap ?

Hello, I've noticed some spurious large occupied voxels that appear and disappear in the ufomap. They appear to be unknown voxels that get inadvertently converted to occupied. Within the first...

CMake Error at /home/cho/catkin_ws/devel/share/ufomap/cmake/ufomapConfig.cmake:173 (message): Project 'ufomap_ros' tried to find library 'UFO::Map'. The library is neither a target nor built/installed properly. Did you compile project 'ufomap'? Did you find_package() it...

Thanks for the excellent package Following the tutorial, I was successfully able to build a map. Say, the map file is "map.um." Now, I want to visualize this map file...

Hi,Dr. Daniel: Thanks for the great work. I read your paper and code carefully. And I use ufomap for statically placed laser data. Ground data is always incorrectly modeled as...

Hi, QingWen. I can't get "dufomap.toml" in DUFO repo. Could you upload it for convenience? Thanks.