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Perception toolkit for sim2real training and validation in Unity

Results 98 com.unity.perception issues
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I want to detect my objects when they are in the same position. mean if they collide with each other, I change their position. Do you have any recommendations if...

Is generating depth image in the development roadmap ? Simulating depth camera is important for many applications.


Hi, I was trying to use the dataset visualizer by following the tutorial but can't see the option in Unity. I am using version 2020.2.7f1 and have signed into Unity....


I am new to unity and the perception package. Currently ,For a prefabs with animation randomizer tag, I can add animation clips only one prefab at a time. If I...

Dear Perception team, Thanks for your great project! I am trying to use *perception* on a [dockerized]( unity version and with the untiy [CLI]( The error I got in Perception...

@StevenBorkman @JonathanHUnity I am trying to get the semantic segmentation labeler to work with an equirectangular 360-degree view. I am able to get the RGB annotations saved to file using...

Hi, I've been trying to follow the tutorial for Human Pose Labelling, but I can't seem to get the occlusion to work. When points are offscreen they are in state...

He guys! Is there a plan to add the functionality to generate labeled point clouds to train 3D object detection based on lidar/stereo-camera data?


Hey, We're using perception cameras with configurable output directories both in the editor and in builds. To change the dataset output directory we're doing `((PerceptionEndpoint)PerceptionSettings.instance.endpoint).basePath = datasetDir`. But this won't...

So I walked through the human pose labeling that was found in the [repo]( but that was using the COCO keypoint template. However I had my own model with rig...