Results 143 comments of 3DJ

Ohh that's right. Though I'm not quite sure how Wiki suggestions/PRs work, or if people actually read it cuz hell, even I had never clicked/read it and just found out...

Agreed; the spreadsheet view really is a bit overwhelming 😅 though it's fully customizable and I can create new individual views with their own removed/added/reordered columns as well as filters,...

Actually, the database doubles as a [downloadable profile configuration sheet](https://airtable.com/shrdPdBoULb1vRCNI). I was working on [a tool](https://mega.nz/file/aLoB2TaI#MRAzDyRaxM-mypGfF_hHGXiiN0KhxEjFkdVC5PcxLn8) that downloads a [CSV](https://airtable.com/shrdPdBoULb1vRCNI) (or at least attempts, since [airscraper](https://github.com/banditelol/airscraper) breaks every other day...

> Yeah, I don't use OpenALSoft but even I agree that it's just too much data. It's hard to tell what each column is for or what columns are important,...

Ah, I see now. If kcat's or any other devs are interested, I'd be willing to accommodate a view with relevant/important database attributes to facilitate an implementation into the DLL...

The [database view I use for my tool](https://airtable.com/shrdPdBoULb1vRCNI) already includes multiple executable filenames as well as other methods to match games/apps to profiles, like parent folders, Steam/Ubisoft/GOG/Epic/etc IDs, versions, launch...

That's simple enough: https://airtable.com/shrFuXB7rQYET9H1J Now this view link only includes the following fields: - **Profile** name: Search-friendly/simplified base/title string + version + initials (can't disable) - **Title**: official spelling -...

> It would be nice if the page could separate them into separate lists (names starting with 0-9 as one, A as a second, B for a third, etc). Done....

~~I just tested the full game (v1.01) with the current latest https://github.com/kcat/dsoal/commit/0e8792cecdcd8aca4d6c659f4e0bbc502ea6a6fb and OpenAL Soft seems to be the culprit variable: 1.22.0 was the last (stable) build that worked. ✅[OpenAL...

Well, I'll be damned. The [1.23.0-9fd9fee3](https://github.com/kcat/openal-soft/commit/9fd9fee3) build I used was just from a couple weeks ago so I didn't think it'd be fixed since then but sure enough, as luck...