Results 143 comments of 3DJ

Hmm, the app already seems to download done assets to work, so perhaps it could offload some more data to GitHub download or something 🤔

@SDX-LV Nice, that's exactly what I've been wanting, it's just unfortunate that I don't have the proper hardware to generate it myself *yet*, but I'll definitely give it a try...

I gave it a try, following all your steps and noticed relatively high CPU usage (~15% even during the intro/idle) ![Screenshot showing sod.exe taking up 13.1% CPU usage in Windows...

Yeah, I think the game's just not well optimized *and* seems limited to a single core. Version 2.0 is a noticeable improvement over 1.2 since it doesn't max out a...

> At first, I thought it was caused by logging being enabled (which quickly grows to gigabytes in size), so I disabled logging but that didn't fix it. @mr-sihc https://github.com/kcat/dsoal/issues/80#issuecomment-1473911423

> I have managed to solve the issue how to build OpenAL-Soft for Android amr64. One needs to add entry (via GUI "Add Entry", or via command line parameter) ANDRIOD_ABI...

> [Android.arm64-v8a.zip](https://github.com/kcat/openal-soft/files/14194016/Android.arm64-v8a.zip) This is a compiled OpenAL Soft 1.23.1 for Android Arm64 with OpenSL backend. Dang it, [App Manager lied to me.](https://github.com/kcat/openal-soft/assets/71472458/24a8c0c5-57c1-474b-bd0d-58c8ab5b326c). That's why I thought ["armeabi-v7a" here](https://github.com/gkv311/sview#continuous-integration) was just...

> [Android.armeabi-v7a.zip](https://github.com/kcat/openal-soft/files/14196749/Android.armeabi-v7a.zip) > This is a compiled OpenAL Soft 1.23.1 for Android 32bit arm + neon with OpenSL backend. Thanks so much mate! Now the app started and loaded the...

@Centurion96 So I figured out the issue with HRTF in sView (and potentially [other OpenAL apps on Android](https://github.com/AndroidModLoader/GTASA_OpenALUpdate/issues/1)) and explained it [here](https://github.com/gkv311/sview/pull/125). But tl;dr, updating the library was just one...

After a bit more digging I found he already mentioned a way to do it here https://github.com/kcat/openal-soft/issues/46#issuecomment-232238857 So I guess what we need is compile with `-DALSOFT_EMBED_HRTF_DATA=TRUE` though I agree...