Results 143 comments of 3DJ

This sounds like a great idea. Any updates/consideration on the implementation?

> Can we confirm that the licensing of these proposed options are compatible with ours? @patrikjuvonen I'm not an expert in licensing, but it would need [DSOAL](https://github.com/kcat/dsoal) (the wrapper, [licensed...

By the way, I made some [Github actions](https://github.com/ThreeDeeJay/dsoal/actions) to [compile and release DSOAL and OpenAL Soft binaries](https://github.com/ThreeDeeJay/dsoal/releases). It's already a [pull request](https://github.com/kcat/dsoal/pull/52) on the main repo and someone could grab...

Someone made a semi-functional fork of https://github.com/LAGonauta/openal-source Demo: https://youtu.be/Ey7BbdpdztY It's still a work in progress and whenever it's released, the download/guide will probably be added here https://airtable.com/shrqognt6657fDCIT/tblNnVIN3hWOpI0sB/viw4qgjmLlrCm7sTK/recJHvBRAEW1hmiG2

> > That's the issue DSOAL does NOT work at all. I can't even select EAX. The game I usually use to test to see if everything is working is...

> Beginning with Windows 8 some games won't use IndirectSound even if the dsound.dll is in the correct location. To fix this the Windows registry must be changed. (Some Windows...

> There is a good chance that if you try to edit this value Windows will show an error message and refuse to accept the change. If this happens it...

@mirh Other than what I've mentioned, I've got no clue so that's probably a question for kcat. @Kappa971 IIRC Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow requires running as admin for it to...

Yeah, [SetACL](https://helgeklein.com/download/) is what I used to modify registry key ownership so people don't have to do it themselves since there's no batch command to do it programmatically AFAIK. I...

Hmm, even the latest DSOAL build crashes for me, too. Fortunately, the [alternative fix](https://github.com/kcat/dsoal/issues/40#issuecomment-1029799133) I used in #40 also works in this game. So basically you just need to use...