Results 32 comments of SMUnlimited

I've merged this in. The colours were slight variations of jzy-chitong56 improvements so it is almost unnoticeable but now aligned.

Attacking strategy is always 4 from globalSettings, except if it detects no teams then it uses 5.

So there is some behaviour in AMAI to avoid melee units, but its weakened as it caused more issues in tight spaces (mainly the AMAI units would never attack as...

Possibly but ultimately the issue is you have to disable all hardcoded AI on the unit so you have full control of the unit via script or external and build...

Version in Master already fixed to use MPQEditor which fixes the map list becoming messed up. But that has always been the case previously with the AMAI installs. The MPQEditor...

Yeah that is difficult as its basically its own version of JASS that uses Perl to compile down to normal JASS. So I wouldn't worry about that and instead just...

I can't see commerical companies using "yanked" as it would appear unprofessional if clients got hold of it. If the end result of the original thread was to "replace with...

MICRO_HERO and the TeleportHome function controls when it begins to teleport. TELEPORT function just tries to detect when teleport has happened and reset flags to teleports are allowed again. It...

Insane AMAI already cheats, so if Insane difficulty it could do this.

Either an invalid unitid is being passed to SetProduce somewhere, or the map has been customized.