
Results 25 issues of Qwertyus3D

В общем, во-первых, имеется древний баг Ксаша, что при запуске движка при появлении меню проигрывается звук launch_upmenu1.wav. Пользователь ещё ничего не нажимал, но звук уже есть. Во-вторых, схема воспроизведения звуков...

The progam currently use C:\Windows\System32 for searching image files source/output on every new launch which is quite a ridiculous option.


The program fails to open any map if the file extension is not "bsp", but something like "BSP" or "Bsp". It just closes out immediately after showing a window.


(Especially, but not only because) while there is no support of loading models for point entities, it could be very useful to mark somehow a front side of point entities...


Just make a "Rendering" menu, like Map / Create / Widgets and place there checkable options for quick swithcing of such things like textures / lightmaps / wireframe etc.

It could be useful to have an export option of the existing information about textures lighting into RAD file, to make possible a recreation of original lighting styles for decompiled...


As said above, Optimize doesn't work for some maps because of instant CTD. [crash.zip](https://github.com/wootguy/bspguy/files/8104820/crash.zip)


We can add several FGDs in Settings, it could be useful to choose which you want to enable or disable after adding them. So you can have a list of...


I'm not sure how this is intended to work, I just assume that if you clean or delete something, than you should get a clipnode count reduced. But, in fact,...


I know that the program was intended to work for Sven Co-op needs, but someone may need to use it for singleplayer, so please make the deleting all hulls of...
