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Gene fusion detection and visualization

Results 33 GeneFuse issues
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Thanks for creating this tool! I have noticed that the `scripts/` reports wrong order of exons for genes in '-' orientation, which results in considering some fusions as untranscribed and...

Need help to compile from source code. Got "make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop." when sudo make install, in ubuntu 16.04 LTS Running binary without any error...

Hi, Developers Could you explain the exact meaing of "primary transcript" in fusion.csv. Does it mean the `longest transcript` or `pre-mature transcript` ? many thanks zhengxc

Hi sfchen, I have installed genefuse and worked for the test data successfully. However, it did not work for nanopore fastq. Could you help me? Thank you! My command line...

Hi, the same issue with gen_fusion_file.jl for csv file preparation while using Julia 0.6 version. `ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: readstring not defined in detect at /home/ubuntu/julia/gen_fusion_file.jl:33 in main at /home/ubuntu/julia/gen_fusion_file.jl:22 while...

Hi, I am trying to create the fusion.csv file using the script that you provide gen_fusion_file.jl but I get the error: ``` loading gencode grch38 ERROR: LoadError: KeyError: key "localfile"...

Hi ! I would like to run the julia script on a list of genes to get the file fusion.csv but I have not managed to install OpenGene, here is...


Hi, I got the genefuse by git clone on the command line, and make, finally, I got the binary genefuse, but I can't find the version of it. How to...

I conducted a simulation. When my read length is 89bp, it outputs expected fusions. However when I use read length of 85bp. There are no results. The main change is...