
Results 100 issues of NFSL2001

替换font-family成适合繁体使用的字符,优先使用传承字形版本的思源派生字体。 更换font-weight至300以避免看不清的问题。

(以下为聊天摘录) 不错的字体,很实用。以下为另外一种方式的理论。 在单纯简转繁时,没有必要使用伪字图。两岸翻译差异有必要使用伪字图,但是如果是一个字在不同语境下,使用context可能会比较好点。建立一些Group,通过上下文检测来sub字,能够节省很多字形位置。上下文检测其实很常用,比如谚文拼接跟蒙文都是使用上下文检测替换。 例字:“发”的码位是“發”字,Group 1放`[头 白 黑]`,Group 2是`[发]`,当Group 2 前面是Group 1时,将“發”替换成“髮”。不同context可以在同一个sub table里面,优先级一样,如果不一样就可以拆分优先级。比如遇上“上头发的指令”,可能可以在sub group context前面加上`ignore [上][头]`之类的跳换。

help wanted

I would like to ask about the status of CJK fonts in the future. 1. What glyphs and encoding standards will the fonts follow? For example, *Tongyong Guifan Hanzibiao*/[Inherited Glyphs](

type: question ❓

In, the 廷 component for CN is changed to 壬 (middle horizontal stroke longest), while TW/HK uses the old 𡈼 (bottom horizontal stroke longest). ![image]( The current main Sans...

With reference to Kozuka Gothic Pro on Adobe Fonts, there seem to be a design change when developing Source Han Sans (JP): most characters (with the exception of 夕 itself)...

藏 (U+85CF) is in GB/T 2312 level 1 and 通用规范汉字表 level 1. uni85CF-CN is removed when going up from v1.004 to v2.000. Please restore the v1 CN glyph. ![image](

This is a 通用规范汉字表 1st level character (一级字) and Big5 2nd level character (次常用字). ![image]( Affected regions are CN and HK. (KR is out of scope) * The middle 分...

There exist an additional CID used for uni5357-HK (right image) which does not have any visible difference than of uni5357-CN (middle image). It is probably due to the real uni5357-CN...

U+2CE7C 𬹼 and U+2CE93 𬺓 are in China's 通用规范汉字表。 Please update the 齿 component in both mentioned characters, the 止 part is way to short and seem to be modified...

![image]( P/S: the current glyph has a misalignment issue, but it should be fixed when reverting back to v1.004 glyph. Unicode 14.0 snapshot: ![image](