
Results 100 issues of NFSL2001 Even though the two characters have their own glyphs, the difference is not as significant as Sans TW did. Also, U+58FF KR shouldn't be mapped to uni58ABuE0101-JP as this...

Is there any plans to support checking for `CFF2` fonts according to [Microsoft OpenType Documentation](

本仓库未注册商标版的字体应 要求,下一版将会在英文 `Unbounded Sans` 和 中文 `无界黑` 名称加上 `SC` 后缀标签。 The non-trademarked font version in this repo will be renamed in the next version based on request from


因为即将上线 Google Fonts,为了避免商标争议可能将字体更名。 As the font is preparing to go on Google Fonts, the font might be renamed to avoid trademark issue.

_Reported in but separated to prevent tracking TC and JP together in an issue._ 陋 U+964B at Adobe-Japan1 CID+7094 is incorrect for JP presumeable copied from Source Han Sans...

type: enhancement 💡

On Windows 10 22H2 19045.3086, Python 3.10.5, running otf2fea in PowerShell opens a window to choose how to open the file in an editor, which shows the Python code of...

I am converting [Hack]( font from 2048 UPM to 1000 UPM. The following error is given when parsing `otrebuild.exe --UPM 1000 --O3 -o Hack1000-Regular.ttf .\Hack-Regular.ttf`: ``` Input Font: .\Hack-Regular.ttf Processing......


Is it possible to add support for multilingual font names in `name` table? Some fonts that I am dealing with seems to be only reachable by using multilingual names.

It would be good to allow fontra to be started under a subdirectory path. Currently Fontra starts at the service root and most things are loaded with absolute path (e.g....