
Results 397 comments of Mingun

Can you review this please? I want to move on in improving kaitai_struct_gui, but this and #191 are now blockers for that.

Let me remind you of myself again. I would be happy if these changes were merged before 0.9 release.

@GreyCat , @generalmimon I would be super grateful if this feature was included in the 0.9 release

Well, no one forces wait 3 years until version 0.10. It can be released more quickly :)

So, what's the verdict on [my PRs](https://github.com/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+author%3AMingun+archived%3Afalse+user%3Akaitai-io)? Can I expect any comments in them?

Come on, guys! Is there no one interested in the development of Java backend?

> * "Owned" / "Borrowed" is not really the straightforward, unfortunately. It implies certain semantics which might not exist in certain languages/scenarios, and is definitely not 1:1 mapping. That semantic...

In order to move forward I've removed the renames here, but I'll propose their in a new PR later

Last commit fixes **ErrorMessagesSpec** test for `expr_sizeof_value_dynamic3`: ``` [info] - expr_sizeof_value_dynamic3 *** FAILED *** [info] scala.MatchError: CalcArrayType(Int1Type(false)) (of class io.kaitai.struct.datatype.DataType$CalcArrayType) [info] at io.kaitai.struct.precompile.CalculateSeqSizes$.dataTypeByteSize(CalculateSeqSizes.scala:104) [info] at io.kaitai.struct.precompile.CalculateSeqSizes$.dataTypeBitsSize(CalculateSeqSizes.scala:90) [info] at io.kaitai.struct.translators.CommonSizeOf$.getBitsSizeOfType(CommonSizeOf.scala:19) [info]...