
Results 153 issues of Mingun

In #165 I faced with the problem, when I derive `FromField` for my struct and try to use it, but I've got nothing, because I've not specify `#[darling(attributes(xml))]`. Another derive...


In JS current implementation of `ValidationNotEqualError` (and other errors) does not contain an offset, which makes debug of KSY a nightmare. However, JS generator in Web-IDE shows, that constructor gets...


The following KSY generates invalid Java code: ```yaml meta: id: java_switch_bug seq: - id: a type: u1 - id: if type: switch-on: 0 cases: a: u1 _: u8be ``` Generator...

bug found

https://ide.kaitai.io/devel/ (and thus the [current master](https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_webide/commit/a8f6f9c022761a06a3860f728ff68af63f04b483) for WebIDE) does not report an error when expected type of expression does not match the expression type: ```yaml meta: id: uncompatible_types_bug encoding: utf-8...

bug found

`terminator` and `pad-right` specify single bytes, but compiler allows any integer value,which do not fit into byte. Fox example, that KSY successfully compiles in web-IDE (both stable and devel): ```yaml...

bug found

I notice that KSC recognises that list of variables in expressions, but not all of them described neigher in [User Guide](https://doc.kaitai.io/user_guide.html) or [KSY Reference](https://doc.kaitai.io/ksy_reference.html). Because I implementing [alternative compiler](https://github.com/Mingun/ksc-rs) I...


# Summary Trying to formalize the way how size-related properties should model a Kaitai Struct type, I found some inconsistences. In the spoilers below you can see a diagrams that...


The following KSY should produce compilation error but it doesn't ```yaml meta: id: type_resolution_bug seq: - id: enumeration type: type_resolution_bug::enum enums: enum: 0: e0 1: e1 ``` The `enum` is...


The following KSY compiled successfully ([in stable WebIDE](https://ide.kaitai.io/)) ```yaml meta: id: endian_switch_on_bug endian: switch-on: param cases: 0: be _: le params: - id: param type: bool seq: - id: size...

bug found

The following KSY compiled successfully and generate code that accesses non existent field `unknown`: ```yaml meta: id: endian_switch_on_bug encoding: utf-8 endian: switch-on: 0 cases: unknown: be _: le ```

bug found