
Results 397 comments of Mingun

@dtolnay , serde [recommends](https://serde.rs/derive.html) using the 1.0 version as the version boundary, not the specific patch version. So I think this is legitimate bug, because cargo [treats versions](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/specifying-dependencies.html#specifying-dependencies-from-cratesio) in `Cargo.toml`...

Не думаю, что это хорошая идея. Если с изменением мнения насчет комментария можно еще согласится [с некоторыми оговорками](https://github.com/limonte/dear-habr/issues/2#issuecomment-259232236), то при голосовании за статьи уж будь добр читать то, что оцениваешь....

> However I find this solution kind of hacky, as we would obviously like to have elements render correctly on the first frame. I'm curious... What the problem with the...

It will be great if the scheme for the color can be adjusted by declaratively describing the format in [Kaitai Struct](https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct) (for example)

A bug in those lines: size calculations does not consider an `if` key: https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_compiler/blob/e8542816277c0f78a17afcd4eed756337df9cd70/shared/src/main/scala/io/kaitai/struct/precompile/CalculateSeqSizes.scala#L63-L77

I need all source files that acts as real source for tests, not accompanying scripts and data. I suppose it is: - `/formats` -- files that should be parsed without...

Please, consider also merging https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_java_runtime/pull/28 and related in order to give tools a chance to correctly visualize substreams.

Allowing size to built-in sized types also more naturally handle such situations: ```yaml meta: id: size_problems endian: be encoding: utf-8 seq: - id: field size: 5 type: switch-on: 2 cases:...

This is just a minimal example showing the problem, assume that it will look like this: ```yaml meta: id: size_problems endian: be encoding: utf-8 seq: - id: field size: 5...

If you have a tool that sensitive to paths in errors, you would be interested in https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_compiler/pull/229 which fixes many of them