
Results 397 comments of Mingun

Can this be merged before another conflict occurred? There is no point in having support for annotation in the runtime without their support in the compiler

@GreyCat , please do not bury the project. Can you give feedback for my PRs?

Actually, I plan to make a rebase to keep history linear as much as possible

I fully rework implementation: * Remove generating `doc` * Generate annotations via separate methods in `LanguageCompiler`, which by default do nothing * Import annotation classes only when its used (annotations...

In my case `xrdp` only reset to only `us` layout if previous session was closed unexpectedly (probably because of the network error/loosing network connection). The normal reconnects (i.e. initiated via...

Still, freezing the selection the region in HEX viewer is not associated with this exception -- after reloading the page and experimenting a little with commenting/uncommenting my KSY, I see...

@chyh1990, is there any chance to merge this PR? Multiline strings a main benefit over JSON in configuration files as it allow normal versioning of configs. Is there any what...

> How are we going to handle the NWN2 TLK, with those broken strings, in these tools, so that a modder can use them to take the NWN2 TLK, modify...

I think it would be useful to add an example here

I think, it is better to enable wiki and put that information there.