Results 217 comments of Max Desiatov

Another option could be to explicitly state that `swift-doc` focuses only on documentation generation and static site generators should handle the rest if needed, which could help in avoiding feature...

>Is this a permanent limitation or could it be improved in the future? Sorry for interjecting, but my understanding is that it requires the AST that `swift-doc` operates on to...

>I ended up forking and adding a few APIs to access the information I needed (USRs by type, queryable by name and source location). That's still a work-in-progress. @mattt is...

It would be great if there was an option not just to include ``, but a given directory hierarchy of multiple markdown files that provide extended documentation: tutorials, guidelines, license,...

I think there was a discussion here somewhere about configs to allow `swift-doc` to become more configurable, but I don't remember [PackageConfig]( being mentioned anywhere. So here's the link for...

One solution could be to display stability for a given API. This would be similar to how Node.js declares some APIs "experimental" or "stable"in its documentation. Not sure how it...

@mbrandonw @stephencelis this would be a super-useful feature to be merged to `master`, any updates on this?

Hey @matzsoft, in the XLSX format there's a difference between an empty cell and absence of a cell, like a difference between `""` and `nil`. If you look at the...

Sorry, after re-reading this I'm not sure I'm completely following how would you like it to work? Could you post a bigger code snippet of how you want the API...

I would like to reiterate that an empty cell and absence of a cell are different things. If you're not getting a cell or a row during the iteration, this...