Results 217 comments of Max Desiatov

We could also try which is based on Dispatch, and I hope is compatible with both macOS and Linux.

Thanks, this is a known issue. We need to update our `basic` template to be fetched from, which does have working tests. Refactoring template downloads is tracked in

Update to `release/5.7` branch of SwiftPM is currently blocked by and

I wonder if it could be parsed from `swift --version` output, but there's still no obvious way to verify it supports the WebAssembly target. It probably would need to compile...

Hi @RayZhao1998, it is absolutely reasonable, thank you for creating this issue! One point that needs to be resolved is how `carton sdk use` would work. Would it record that...

Yes, something like that, I personally prefer `global` and `local` subcommands [as `swiftenv` already uses them]( And since `carton` already picks up existing `swiftenv` installation, maybe `carton` should follow their...

Is there any indication for how stable this API is? One concern could be that it's unstable if it's undocumented, and this quite probably will cause us headaches in the...