Results 217 comments of Max Desiatov

I wonder if we could make `CodingKeys` handle proper XPath, this would probably need a flag like `isXPathEnabled` or something on `XMLDecoder` and `XMLEncoder`, so that there's no performance impact...

Ok, I see. Thank you for clarifying @Eitot. My initial understanding was that you were looking for a way to "skip" elements in general at any stage during decoding, no...

Any updates on this? I wasn't able to find any tests or example code that show how `Connection` and `ConnectionType` can be used, or am I missing something?

`.now() + 2` seems arbitrary here? Also, why global queue? `Application` is a class instance, which is not thread-safe I guess?

Likewise, I wish there was a hosted version, maybe based on GitHub Actions?

Is there no way whatsoever to integrate frameworks or multiple modules within playground books? Flattening dependencies into a single namespace is quite error prone and we'll start seeing name clashes...

any updates on this?

is there anything in this PR that prevents it from being merged?

I wonder if more detailed type information would help in any way. Some time ago I've attempted to implement a [type inference engine]( for this type of dev tools (documentation...