Results 217 comments of Max Desiatov

As far as I understand `make-pkgconfig.swift` relies on Homebrew installations, but I could be wrong.

Good way to diagnose could be by using `swift build`. If `swift build` works, but building from Xcode doesn't, then it's the same issue I had 🙂

Yeah, that would make sense, I can see people being confused when there is `JSValue.function`, but no `JSValue.closure`

>mark them so they don’t get released. I imagine maintaining a cache of JS functions (a dictionary from their names to function references) could work, but this would prevent monkey...

[Starting with Swift 5]( it's UTF-8 under the hood anyway, if I understand correctly. I think we'd need to patch stdlib to either allow both encodings, or to entirely force...

My reasoning is that I don't see any other way to get rid of the ICU dependency, is it what's actually being used for re-encoding? I'd be surprised if it...

Ah, I forgot about `esbuild`. Could try that as well and see what's easier to use and better documented. I like TypeScript quite a lot, so would prefer to keep...

Glad to see that `esbuild` supports bundling and minification. Maybe we could utilize that in `carton bundle` when detecting that `esbuild` is available in SwiftPM dependency tree as a build...

I think JSKit version mismatch and npm/JS ecosystem interaction are two separate topics. Both deserve to be solved, but in my opinion the version mismatch and release engineering issues are...

Keeping this open until Swift 5.7 and SwiftWasm 5.7 are available with included in those releases.