Daniel Lu

Results 94 comments of Daniel Lu

The team is a bit wary of overloading the Image component since at its core it intended for use within other React Spectrum components (hence why `useSlotProps` exists within it)...

@yakunins This use case should already be supported by our React Spectrum components, albeit the child Popovers also have their own FocusScope: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-spectrum-template-forked-vnmzwm?file=/src/App.js. FocusScope should allow focus to move [inside...

@tounsoo A parent FocusScope currently considers a child scope as part of its contain which is why you can click into the input inside the tooltip [here](https://codesandbox.io/s/affectionate-sanderson-cxvdk4?file=/src/App.js) and not have...

Seems reasonable to me, will bring this to the team during our next grooming.

Could you provide a rough sandbox showing what exactly you are trying to implement here? The team wasn't exactly sure what the experience you were describing in the context would...

Thanks for the sample, I'll have to poke around to see if this change would introduce any undesirable side effects.

As an aside, this issue is related to https://github.com/adobe/react-spectrum/issues/2766 (note: that issue isn't actually virtualizer specific), we'll be looking to resolve this class of issue as our next upcoming milestone.

Gonna rerun chromatic to see if those previous runs were flakey test

Its a bit hard for me to understand how your select component is implemented here without a codesandbox since I can't tell what the structure of your select is and...

Did some digging, it looks like the reason for this lies within `usePress`, specifically https://github.com/adobe/react-spectrum/blob/1aa66e6e75e2da014f44177686c3332cd625fb9f/packages/%40react-aria/interactions/src/usePress.ts#L287-L293. What happens here is the following: 1. User begins a press via Enter on the...