When using a csv file as schema and data source and adding columns to it, hale studio could automatically recognize that there are additional columns in the csv file and...
hale»studio currently uses version 2.4 of the Groovy compiler. The Groovy Eclipse plugin [does not support this compiler version anymore]( since its version 4.0.0+. The Groovy 2.4 compiler is therefore...
With the current implementation of the XPlan Writer, it is not possible to add a boundedBy value to the root element XPlanAuszug. Same for the reader - it is not...
It currently is not possible to reference from one plan to another using the XPlan writer with the option to create a separate output file for every plan element. In...
Version 4.0.0.SNAPSHOT Build 617913794 The I[NSPIRE Validator ]( contains tests for INSPIRE requirements in general and for some Theme specific requirements (currently only Annex I). When exporting data from hale...
Version 4.0.0.SNAPSHOT Build 640814825 The XML validation, that is currently available in hale studio, does not give a warning, if an attribute with cardinality 1 (or more) that is marked...
For some INSPIRE elements, external codelists are used. E.g. ISO codelists for GeographicalName.language or SpellingOfName.script. It would be helpful to provide drowdown values for such elements in case an INSPIRE...
When using [this project](, the Spatial Join does not work for some point/polygon combinations. The issue occurs for Build 701252867 Revision 27ccd157d288a0ff57daf06c25fca5c01f766738 But running the transformation in the current 4.1.0...
when importing the attached data with the Compound CRS 5555 (almost the right one, except from the date of the height reference system, that cannot be found in EPSG registry)...
When reading the source schema from a database, relations between tables/types should be analysed and imported so that conditions for Joins do not need to be created manually. One option...