Results 64 comments of JJ

In my case the context mechanism behind react seems to break - I get 2 renders of the same component: - 1 with the default react context value (even though...

Hi @abcfy2. It might be that the action isn’t able to find the report file. Although it should still create an empty job report instead of failing silently. Do you...

I presume either the test file or the test name could not be found. You should check if the junit file has the right paths to the test files relative...

Hey @abcfy2. Thank you for the feature suggestion. Yes I'm planning to add coverage support if possible and if I find the time πŸ™‚

webpack 2 was released - issue persists (but baggage loader works marvelously)

I very much hope this project doesn't die. It's just enough magic for understandable code structure yet saves time & nerves over missing imports. πŸ‘

Scoped packages in the @types repo are in the form of `@types/scope__name` (otherwise they would be invalid as package names) so @babel/core is available under [`@types/babel__core`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/babel__core) πŸ˜‰ I can make...

It worked very well at first. Now I got an error though (possibly unrelated cause it's the first time I see it): ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6438760/185869559-72cc6ce4-b6e8-4755-99b6-6539fbd5f5ce.png) And when I open that file it...

Seems like both worked albeit a bit slow to print any text (in the end both printed `Preview.js daemon server is now running on http://localhost:9315` though)

You are right @omeraplak that giving the operator to `initialFilter` can change it - but just initially. My use case was however to switch between filter equals and not equals...