Results 42 issues of JJ

There's a json output that jest can generate which might be easier to read. I need to have a look at that

⚙ enhancement
⚒ major

We're not using it anymore since around version ~1.0.0

⚙ documentation
⚒ major

Needs testing - I'm thinking ... jest?

⚙ enhancement
⚒ patch

Some additional information on what to do and not do with traversals: https://github.com/jamiebuilds/babel-handbook/blob/master/translations/en/plugin-handbook.md#avoid-traversing-the-ast-as-much-as-possible

⚙ enhancement
⚒ patch

1. Open a new .md file, pdf preview in a split pane and markdown preview from `markdown-preview` plugin in another split pane 2. Try closing project **Atom**: 1.26.0 x64 **Electron**:...

**Bug report** **Input code** ```ts import { types } from "@babel/core" export type AnyJSXElement = types.CallExpression | types.JSXElement; export function isAnyJSXElementPath(path: NodePath): path is NodePath { return true; } ```...

I noticed that changing the source file sometimes leads to ava reporting a "1 previous failure in test files that were not rerun" even though the tests testing that file...

help wanted

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm running my projects inside WSL 2 to which I have to connect first. I have node, preview.js' dependencies and...

fix merged
fix shipped

**Describe the bug** The clear button in the filterDropdown resets not just the value but also the operator always to "eq". This makes it impossible to use any other operator...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Now that the conditional or filter is available (see https://github.com/pankod/refine/issues/1417) it would be cool to have a complementary `and` filter...
