Results 69 comments of JJ

Has there been any progress on the review process of this PR? Seems there are now some conflicts that must be resolved as well

@sahilsarpalguru good try 😅 But I fear we need a review from one of the codeowners like @timneutkens, @ijjk, @leerob or @wyattjoh to tag a few (my apologies for the...

> > tag a few (my apologies for the noise) to bri > > I want the codeowners to bring the attention to this PR, I recently got blocked in...

Aghhh Next.js has been somewhat lacking in the community handling ever since the major 13 release 😞 Rant rant rant - ignore if uninterested This issue has been open for...

> Should we also add a test that the custom system prop provided directly to the system components (Box, Typography, etc) applies the styling properly (probably from the theme?) ?...

@ZeeshanTamboli I will include the requested changes 👍

Let me know if any logs of some sort would help. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6438760/122076463-308d8b00-cdfb-11eb-8c8d-874533013a11.mp4

I'm on 21H1 (Build 19043.1055). It's an almost blank windows installation without anything like autohotkey.

I can confirm I do have scaling set to 175%