Results 69 comments of JJ

> The type hint can safely be ignored and `arbitrary()` will figure the type out? > > https://github.com/tw-in-js/twind/blob/148b5941452fadb3932b54669d5e239ad24b7f06/packages/twind/src/rules.ts#L217-L219 In most cases yes, if the value is however a CSS variable...

This issue likely causes this strange bug https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/8897 on node 18> in vite

I'm still having this issue on the latest yarn 3.2.4 on nodejs 19.0.0 using PnP. @vicary's change fixed it but it does require editing .pnp.cjs. I'm running `fs.rmSync` using `-rf`...

Perfect, thanks @merceyz! ❤️ Works well on canary I was looking for release information on the PR but couldn't find any. It might be a nice addition to have something...

Hi @ianstormtaylor! Glad you're back 🙂 I got the idea to see if this cannot be checked programmatically by comparing the different types (something of a built-in flag) and sure...

Same bug on Arch, Deepin using Intel Graphics or Radeon. Happens almost every second time :/

For me this fixed it as well. Went from around 3% success rate to 97% whilst running for around a minute and a half which is still really good. Thanks...

I additionally had the following problem which I think stems from vitest requiring happy-dom through local-pkg: ``` Error: local-pkg tried to access happy-dom, but it isn't declared in its dependencies;...

> @brvnonascimento or maybe we can have another tag for that: > > ``` > const highlightedBackground = cssFragment` > background: yellow; > ` > ``` Looks like we almost...

> Interesting! I didn't know that React supported that. Unfortunately, there's no way for Aphrodite to know implicitly which frame you are trying to render to, because it isn't connected...