Results 69 comments of JJ

``` depends=('kwin') makedepends=('git' 'cmake' 'extra-cmake-modules') ``` That should do it @thopiekar. Taken from AURs package build

This also works: ```typescript import TOKENS from "./tokens"; function Something(props: React.HTMLAttributes) { return ( ); } ```

You can also do this, which allows us to use dynamic properties together with static ones but it is a lot of boilerplate and you have to come up with...

Another Idea I played around with would be similar to #730 so I'm not sure whether this wouldn't complicate things too much: ```typescript const MyButton= styled('div')` ${() => { const...

I have a similar problem when some Windows UI is in front of the search bar. For example when I open the wifi panel and press the shortcut fluent appears...

> @amolpatel is `declaration: false` a solution for you? In my case I could not disable the declarations since I needed to have `composite` on. Hmmm, not sure what else...

I've just stumbled into this. I have a Windows WSL instance running and I have all the packages I need for regular Live Share - I don't want to pull...

Is this the same as https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-remote-release/issues/1242? https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-remote-release/issues/1802#issuecomment-555839078

@gl-web I think you should use English for asking for a translation from English to a different language

> The author seems to be inresponsive, I wonder if anyone is willing to maintain a active fork and we can merge bug fixes there? @DiegoDoniss @batidodecoco @IgnusG @sourcec0de @MatthiasDunker...