Results 201 comments of Jan Holthuis

The README already states which command prompt to use: ![]( If we want to mention that powershell is not supported, we should add it inside the parentheses I think. E....

> A CMake build in Visual Studio doesn't use a .sln file at all. This sentence make no sense to me. Neither does the command line build if you use...

Do we have end silence detection? Otherwise using beats as transition unit might be problematic In some cases.

How about counting beats from the intro start/outro end cues instead? These are autodetected by default and I think this would make this a lot more useful. If these Cues...

It was my impression that this feature is useful for people who don't want to set intro/outro points manually.

Another idea: can we store the silence end/start positions in addition to the cue in/out markers and use them here? That way this feature is independent of the cue in/out...

> Another idea: can we store the silence end/start positions in addition to the cue in/out markers and use them here? That way this feature is independent of the cue...

I appreciate the idea, but I don't think mixxx should have an embedded webserver though. This is way out of scope and too risky IMHO. Instead, we should work on...

Hmm, if I introduce the beatLength() a lot of test fail because they depend on the miniscule rounding error differences. I'm currently questioning if it's worth it.

> Applying the pre-commit hook checks to all files from the repo instead of only the changed lines is not intended. To elaborate, use this to only update changed files:...