Results 101 issues of Jan Holthuis

It would be great if it would be possible to skip writing of individual fields conditionally, similar to what `br(if(...))` does for reading. API could look like this: ```rust #[binrw]...

Apparently it's not possible to to pass a arguments to a `Vec` of `BinRead` objects. Here's an example: ```rust use binrw::{binrw, BinRead}; #[binrw] #[derive(Debug)] #[brw(little)] struct Data { version: u16,...

Sometimes it's necessary to have access the serialized bytes instead of the deserialized data, e.g. for calculating a checksum over parts of the serialized data: ```rust #[binread] #[brw(big)] struct Foo...

A quick and dirty implementation to select a query result (#37).


This might come in handy if the user has custom docsets installed, that are not tracked by Kapeli's feed.


It would be nice to be able to use `fzf` to select a docset instead of using `w3m`.


I started a long running download, went away from keyboard and when I came back, the computer suspended to save energy even though a download was still running. This is...

component: downloads
priority: 3 - wishlist

Based on #4411. **To Do:** - [ ] Change Beatmap import to ensure that `beatsTillNextMarker` is always a multiple of `beatsPerBar` to fix downbeats support in beatmaps - [ ]...

code quality

As discussed here: **NOTE:** Test fail locally and I have no idea why (but also didn't spend too much time on debugging yet). Maybe CI output will show what...


Based on #4567 and #4654.
