
Results 105 comments of Graham

Great work on this project. The only thing I was surprised was missing in the project was actually turning on the TV. I can't use it with the TV off,...

For me: * nvm install 9.11.2 was the last version I found that worked through nvm. * Overwriting with the zip file from the website works on any version. *...

I believe @momochanmo had just forgotten to install the semver package in their project. It has the same error message but this is a totally different issue. To recap: This...

Official docs for this feature are available (found from ![image](

Thanks for the report. The area of code for query syntax is terrible, so this may not get fixed for some time I'm afraid

Some advice here on implementing a fix:

Thanks, I'm pretty sure the converter has some code to deal with this case already, will have to investigate why it's not working in this case

I'm guessing ".myapp" a VB-only thing so perhaps the converter should entirely remove the myapp file and the reference to it, and just leave the generated designer code there? I've...

Hi @MatthewDancz, thanks for getting in touch. Yes, interfaces should be converted correctly in general, but it sounds like you've found a bug. If you create a new github issue...

This solution could probably also cover