
Results 17 issues of Graham

## Description If I use custom format `#,###;-#,###;-` on a cell containing a 0, it should display `-`, but actually displays `0`. ## To Reproduce 1. Set the custom format...


## Description Row height adjustments don't correctly affect wrapped text if applied while UI updates are paused Would be nice to fix, but more importantly for other users I'll post...

## Description Loading from xlsx does not honour "centered across selection" alignment. If it's too much work to support, it may be worth just interpreting as "center" for now ##...

help wanted

# Visual studio versions For the VS extension, only VS2019 and VS2022 are supported. Since there is a free version of VS2022 community edition, it isn't worth the effort to...

help wanted
C# -> VB
VB -> C#

Related info for aspx is probably relevant here: May be necessary to use things like *, * to get the syntax tree, or may already be in...


**2023-12-10: Yet to find an acceptable general way to handle this since they're all way too messy. Still happy to take specific common examples that could be easily handled** *...

help wanted
exception caught
VB -> C#

Property in the interface being implemented non-public setter/getter i.e.: ```vb Interface IFoo Property Prop As Integer End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Property Prop As Integer Implements IFoo.Prop Get End...

compilation error
VB -> C#

Accessing backing field of the autogenerated property where MyClass is involved: ```vb Class Foo Overridable Property Prop As Integer = 5 Sub Test() _Prop = 10 ' This should convert...

output logic error
VB -> C#

### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I had initially thought that the output window listing file locations in addition to the option of reloading Visual...

help wanted

For maximum consistency and convenience, we could automate some/all of the release process based on pushing a release tag Examples of releasing based on tag from our other stuff:
