
Results 139 comments of Frotty

Hello, we are also looking forward to this feature. The experimental version is working almost correctly for us with but 2 flaws: 1. When initially loading a virtual scroll with...

> This is such a cool feature, any plans on releasing it to production yet? For that it would need to work properly, I suppose.

@mmalerba said they would get back to this after vacation, but seems like they are working on other things now :/

It's not. I wouldn't hold my breath. This library supports varying row height with a cache:

@vraddy this has nothing to do with this ticket. Also if you think scrolling through 2 million entries is feasible, reconsider your design choices (i.e. truncate your data).

> Saving this map in WorldEdit produces this monstrosity of a function: What does it look like normally? > If you now turn on local optimizations, it takes forever for...

Idk, did you highly exaggerate here? Takes like 10-15 seconds instead of 5-10 for me. Really not critical. e: @SamuelMoriarty The minimal "workaround" for this seems to simply not inline...

> Being able to override (abstract) parent member variables with child class member variables of the same name, maybe with an "override" keyword Did you try using the `override` keyword?...

Yea okay, that doesn't work and isn't intended to. In your example you seem to have a setter, which you could override.

Overriding variables doesn't seem like something desirable. It's not obvious from your code sample whether/how the values are used, but it sounds more like a job for a builder pattern...