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A tool to map bisulfite converted sequence reads and determine cytosine methylation states
Hi Felix, > Alignments should not be really discordant unless something weird happened during the library preparation, or possibly if you have structural variation or translocations in your genome. We...
Hi @FelixKrueger I have three bam outputs generated with identical parameters and identical versions of Bismark and bowtie2 using a set of paired end trimmed inputs. Three parallel parameters were...
I'm a newbie ,doing bismark_methylation_extractor, why does the cov file have zero lines bismark_methylation_extractor -p \ --parallel 16 \ --bedGraph --counts \ --cytosine_report --report\ --CX \ --comprehensive \ --buffer_size 10G...
Dear @FelixKrueger, I have been using this pipeline for a while now but have not seen the output below when using methylation extractor. I am pretty sure that I have...
Hello Felix I encountered two errors after running step 3: Sorting input file CpG_context_wwz-guo2_R1_bismark_bt2_pe.txt.chrChr01.methXtractor.temp by positions (using -S of 1500G) Died at /data01/masterHome/houtong/bismark/bismark2bedGraph line 487. Finished BedGraph conversion ... and...
Hi Developers, Thanks a lot for providing such a useful tool. When I used the bismark code, I met with a very strange issue that did not appear before. I...
Hello! Recently I sequenced some methylation libraries, single end mode, in the reverse direction (from the i7 side). Is it correct to input the genome.fasta file as is and run...
I am running: `bismark_genome_preparation --path_to_aligner /my_path/bowtie2-2.5.0-mingw-x86_64/bowtie2-2.5.0-mingw-x86_64/ --verbose /my_path/RRBS/ ` And I get the following output just after step III launches: bowtie2-build-s does not exist, try running `[g]make bowtie2-build-s' Parent process:...
We currently don't seem to have a description of the context specific methylation totals in the new (and awesome) docs. More information on the report are [here](
Hi @all, Do you have any recommended software used for downstream analyzing Bismark outputs, such as detecting regions of differential methylation, calculating methylation rate for targeted region, creating average methylation...