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The FAIR cookbook, containing recipes to make your data more FAIR. Find the rendered version on:

Results 144 the-fair-cookbook issues
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reported by @bedroesb @tabbassidaloii when creating the following readme: (scroll down to the logo section at the bottom of the page) suggestion: use dark purple #300861 (or lighter shade:#8038D1)

Bumps [certifi]( from 2020.12.5 to 2022.12.7. Commits 9e9e840 2022.12.07 b81bdb2 2022.09.24 939a28f 2022.09.14 aca828a 2022.06.15.2 de0eae1 Only use importlib.resources's new files() / Traversable API on Python ≥3.11 ... b8eb5e9 2022.06.15.1...


Bumps [jupyter-core]( from 4.7.1 to 4.11.2. Release notes Sourced from jupyter-core's releases. 4.11.1 What's Changed Fix inclusion of jupyter file and check in CI by @​blink1073 in jupyter/jupyter_core#276 Full Changelog:...


This recipe request came out of the ELIXIR BioHackathon: "New recipe on metadata for computation analysis (GALAXY, R Markdown), there is the workflow recipe but it could be another recipe...

issue type: meta checklist
author's task: write abstract
editor's task: identify author

Hello the image is not displayed, we see this: ../../../_images/ thanks, Vassilios

This came out of discussions at the ELIXIR Biohackathon: RDMkit visually tag links to FAIRsharing while the Cookbook doesn't do this. The Cookbook should consider a similar highlighting strategy

UI/UX improvement

This recipe request came out of the ELIXIR Biohackathon. It should cover how to assess the quality of metadata and data, and it should be cross-linked with the RDMkit page...

issue type: meta checklist
author's task: write abstract
editor's task: identify author

This recipe request came out of the ELIXIR Biohackathon. The recipe should be cross-linked with the RDMkit page on Existing Data. - [ ] identify author - [ ] write...

issue type: meta checklist
author's task: write abstract
editor's task: identify author

As per gap analysis at the ELIXIR Biohackathon, create a cross-link between: and

issue type: meta checklist
author's task: write abstract
editor's task: identify author

This came up as a suggestion at the ELIXIR Biohackathon: generify the EUbOPEN recipe into general guidance on image deposition to BioImage Archive & cross-link with RDMkit. This recipe should...

issue type: meta checklist
author's task: write abstract
editor's task: identify author