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The FAIR cookbook, containing recipes to make your data more FAIR. Find the rendered version on:

Results 144 the-fair-cookbook issues
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During ELITMA M2 module, MOLGENIS was introduced by Joeri van der Velde as web-based scientific data platform. However they currently have no examples of use cases. Since it includes data...

Hi, I found a broken link: ([]( in the paragraph "Phase 2". Please fix it, thanks!

Recipes have an author box with links to GitHub: ![image]( But the links are now all suggesting a template replacement not working anymore.

- [ ] identify author - [ ] write abstract - [ ] agree with editors on abstract - [ ] write recipe - [ ] identify reviewer - [...

issue type: meta checklist
author's task: write abstract
editor's task: identify author

we noticed that the link in footer of FAIR Cookbook is wrong. Maybe you/ your team wants to fix it. (we noticed it while checking the whitepaper)

# Expected When I bookmark a recipe in Zotero or other reference managers, it would be nice if metadata about the recipe (title, authors, identifier, URL, "FAIRcookbook" venue, etc) be...

Bumps [markdown-it-py]( from 0.6.2 to 2.2.0. Release notes Sourced from markdown-it-py's releases. v2.2.0 What's Changed ⬆️ UPGRADE: Allow linkify-it-py v2 by @​hukkin in #218 🐛 FIX: CVE-2023-26303 by @​chrisjsewell in...


Bumps [ipython]( from 7.31.1 to 8.10.0. Commits 15ea1ed release 8.10.0 560ad10 DOC: Update what's new for 8.10 (#13939) 7557ade DOC: Update what's new for 8.10 385d693 Merge pull request from...


Searching for FCB081 from the wizard search box on landing page does not yield a hit. The secondary search on full text returns the correct page. ![image](

F2F between FAIRplus and a EFPIA company + feedback from other projects show an increasing need to tackle 'integration' data or platforms (and not only at the level of the...