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The FAIR cookbook, containing recipes to make your data more FAIR. Find the rendered version on:

Results 144 the-fair-cookbook issues
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Following our discussion in Cookbook Dash 3. This recipe is an implementation example for #160 , showing step-by-step guide on how to use one of the tools to convert to...

Editorial task. Context: Some instances of FAIR Cookbook recipe titles have been deemed lacking clarity. General issue of provide meaningful and information title under the technical constraint of parsimony. How:...

issue type: proposal - cookbook general content

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issue type: proposal - cookbook backend
priorization: long-term goal / not time-critical

We link out to edam ontology and already. I believe it would be helpful to link out to, too.

issue type: proposal - cookbook backend
issue type: proposal - cookbook general content

We have several sections that could actually use some explanation -- what is a "Capability & Maturity Table" good for, what vocabulary / terms are used in the "FAIRification Objectives,...

issue type: proposal - cookbook general content

Intended Audience / Targeted audience: -Organization: > IMI -Person / Roles: >PI : how to engage them and show the value of FAIR processes >Data Managers: experience acquired: interaction with...

issue type: proposal - cookbook general content

Context: Feedback from EFPIA regarding potential risks associated with recipes and internal process policies The point discussed during Cookbook dash #6 - [ ] highlight the general rules guiding the...

issue type: proposal - new recipe

Context: EFPIA feedback The point discussed during Cookbook dash #6 - [ ] link to RDMtoolkit - [ ] link to UL documentation - [ ] link to UK DCC...

issue type: proposal - new recipe

In general, the two current recipes deal with process of Access solely from the perspective of getting the right file transfer software running / making sure firewalls etc are set...

issue type: proposal - new recipe

Suggested/Brought up by @weiguUL - [ ] why it matters - [ ] introduce the Phenopacket specification: - [ ] how it can be used - [...

author's task: write abstract
author's task: write recipe
issue type: proposal - new recipe