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The FAIR cookbook, containing recipes to make your data more FAIR. Find the rendered version on:

Results 144 the-fair-cookbook issues
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Hello, the image is missing Fig. 2.1 width: 650px name: aspera-figure1 subtitle: Aspera Data Transfer Process.

When citing the use of the FAIR Cookbook in other projects, we try to make use of FAIR Cookbook visuals whenever it is possible. It would be nicer to have...

- [x] content = - [x] see LinkML documentation : - [ ] continue mapping of fcb data dictionary and generate linkml schema document. - [ ] add...

Following discussion with Xenia and Saskia in Elixir-UK: - [ ] what RedCap can / cannot do in terms of FAIR - [ ] semantic markup in RedCap instruments (markup...

issue type: meta checklist
author's task: write abstract
editor's task: identify author

Under "Community", we should have a page listing projects and companies (rather than just individuals) that we are connected with (see as an example). Candidate projects include RDMkit and...

issue type: proposal - cookbook general content

The following checklists will guide you through the process of advancing a recipe through its pipeline. - [x] identify author - [x] write abstract - [x] agree with editors on...

editor's task: assess review&initialize next steps
editor's task: editorial review and merge

The page is named "miappe" which is a metadata standard for plant **phenotyping** experiments. The logic behind was probably insisting on interoperability between genomic and phenotyping data. We think that...

Requested by @weiguUL to allow better engagement. - [ ] create a short one minute video and link to it.

To generate a twitter message based on commit messages and tag - [x] investigate - [ ] get latest commit message: ```git log -1 --pretty=%B``` - [ ] define...