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The FAIR cookbook, containing recipes to make your data more FAIR. Find the rendered version on:

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reported by @tabbassidaloii during cmm call on 13.09.2022

title does not match content title = "1. eTox - omics datasets" whereas the content about the ontology browsers, semantic artefacts and annotation process to replace free text with controlled...

issue type: bug

This recipe would describe how to use nanopublications to define Citation Typing Ontology intention annotations to citations from from `thing-with-a-DOI` to a `another-thing-with-a-DOI`, such as journal articles. It would use...

issue type: meta checklist
author's task: write abstract
editor's task: identify author

bringing up latests changes

originally "[Publishing plant phenotypic data](" is now shared "Registering SwissLipids identifiers in Wikidata" as seen in the _toc.yaml file @proccaserra

broken link to the spreadsheet 'Here, we have used the selection criteria above to provide an overview and comparison of four widespread ontology lookup services, namely: [EBI Ontology Lookup Service](

Recipe [13. File format validation, FASTQ example]( Has a broken link in 13.6.1. What to read next? 🐙[From proprietary format to open standard format: an exemplar]( The correct link is...

Broken github links under Authors

issue type: meta checklist
author's task: write abstract
editor's task: identify author